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User Profile

The profile management page is split in two panels:

  • Password to change your password,
  • Profile to update your personal information,

Changing your email

To change your email, in the Email panel:

  1. enter the new email,
  2. enter the account password, if you do not remember it, use the Password Lost page,
  3. click on Update Email.

Edit password

Changing your password

To change your password, in the Password panel:

  1. enter the previous password, if you do not remember it, use the Password Lost page,
  2. enter the new password,
  3. confirm the new password,
  4. click on Update password.

Edit password

Updating your profile

To update your profile, in the Profile panel:

  1. enter the name of your company (required, from 2 to 50 characters length),
  2. enter your first name (required, from 2 to 50 characters length),
  3. enter your last name (required, from 2 to 50 characters length),
  4. select your country in the list (required, you can type the beginning of your country's name to filter the list),
  5. enter your postal address (required),
  6. enter your phone number (optional),
  7. enter your VAT number (optional),
  8. click on Update profile.

Edit profile


You API key is accessible using the API Key panel:


Simply click on the Eye icon to display its value or on the Copy icon to copy it.

The orange refresh icon will regenerate a new API key, only do this when you think the previous one is compromised:



Regenerating the API key will disconnect all your currently running tests and cloud load generators. On premise load generators will also be affected even if they are not in use and you will have to reinstall them. Third party integrations might also have to be refreshed as well.