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12.9.x to 12.10.0

Thanks to the upgrade from Quartz Scheduler to JobRunr, the postgresql database has been dropped (it's not needed anymore). JobRunr stores scheduled tasks in Elasticsearch, in indices prefixed by jobrunr_.

This migration is automatically handled by the server after startup.

11.x.x to 12.0.x

A database migration is performed on octoperf_users indice. This migration is automatically handled by the server after startup. Starting from OctoPerf 12.0.0, a PostgreSQL database is required (along with Elasticsearch) by the test scheduler.

Various settings (defined in application.yml) have been updated / added:

  • Database settings:
    prefix: octoperf_
    include_type_name: true # not used anymore

include_type_name can be safely removed if present within your configuration.

  • Default Test Scheduler database settings:
    url: "jdbc:postgresql://postgres/postgres"
    username: "postgres"
    password: "postgres"
    job-store-type: jdbc
      initialize-schema: always
      schema: "classpath:tables_@@platform@@.sql"
        instanceId: AUTO
        instanceIdGenerator.class: "org.quartz.simpl.HostnameInstanceIdGenerator"
        isClustered: true
        driverDelegateClass: "org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate"

By default, the test scheduler is configured to use a PostgreSQL database with hostname postgres, with database postgres, username postgres and password postgres. The database schema is initialized automatically when starting OctoPerf enterprise-edition server.

11.1.0 to 11.2.0

A database migration is performed: octoperf_benchreport and octoperf_benchreporttemplate indices are upgraded. MonitoringMetric, MonitorMetric and ApdexMetric are changed to HitMetric.

This migration is automatically handled by the server after startup.

11.0.0 to 11.1.0

A database migration is performed:

  • octoperf_dockerprovider: workspaceId field is removed from each provider,
  • octoperf_dockerprovidertoworkspace: new indice to link providers to workspaces.

This migration is automatically handled by the server after startup.

10.6.x to 11.x.x

OctoPerf Enterprise-Edition 11.x.x uses Elasticsearch 7.x.x. Before being able to upgrade, OctoPerf EE must be first upgrade to 10.6.x which uses Elasticsearch 6.8.x. Only indices created in this version can be upgraded to operate in Elasticsearch 7.x.x.

That's why, to upgrade to OctoPerf EE 11.x.x, the process consists of:

  • First, if you have any OctoPerf EE 10.x.x lower than 10.6.x, upgrade to latest OctoPerf EE 10.6.x which uses Elasticsearch 6.8.x,
  • Create an alias to point to your indices and configure OctoPerf EE to use it,
  • Reindex all indices using Kibana,
  • Delete the old indices.

Each step of the process is detailed below.


Backup all your data and/or make a snapshot of your database before and after every step involving the database. Should anything wrong happen during the migration, the database can be safely restored from the backup.


Before proceeding to upgrade OctoPerf EE, make sure:

  • To know how to backup and restore Elasticsearch data: either using snapshots, or by stopping the database and copying the entire elasticsearch data directory,
  • You have enough disk space: as the reindexing process copies all the data, there must be at least 50% or free disk space available on the disk where elasticsearch data is stored. 70% or more free disk space is recommended for extra safety.

10.x.x To 10.6.x

This is upgrade is mandatory prior to upgrading to OctoPerf 11.x.x. The database must be reindexed entirely with Elasticsearch 6.8.x.

If your Elasticsearch database is deployed on multiple instances in cluster, make sure to follow their guidelines explaining how to upgrade a minor version. A rolling upgrade should be possible.

Other components can be upgraded without any prior preparation.

Indices Reindexation

Create Alias

Indice aliases are pointers which point to a real indice. The pointer can be atomically changed from one indice to another while the database is operating.

OctoPerf 10.6.x has the following indices: (each storing a specific type of data)


The following steps must be repeated for each indice. The steps below use the octoperf_apm indice as an example. All operations on the database are performed using Kibana Console:

  • Create an alias named alias_X pointing to octoperf_X (where X is the indice name like apm for example):
POST /_aliases
    "actions" : [
        { "add" : { "index" : "octoperf_apm", "alias" : "alias_apm" } }
  • Once done for each indice, double-check the alias has been defined properly. You should have the same result as:
GET /_cat/aliases?v&s=alias

alias                      index                    filter routing.index
alias_apm                  octoperf_apm                  -      -             -
alias_auditlog             octoperf_auditlog             -      -             -
alias_benchloadgenerator   octoperf_benchloadgenerator   -      -             -
alias_benchreport          octoperf_benchreport          -      -             -
alias_benchreporttemplate  octoperf_benchreporttemplate  -      -             -
alias_benchresult          octoperf_benchresult          -      -             -
alias_container            octoperf_container            -      -             -
alias_correlationframework octoperf_correlationframework -      -             -
alias_correlationrule      octoperf_correlationrule      -      -             -
alias_dockerbatch          octoperf_dockerbatch          -      -             -
alias_dockercloudinstance  octoperf_dockercloudinstance  -      -             -
alias_dockerlog            octoperf_dockerlog            -      -             -
alias_dockerprovider       octoperf_dockerprovider       -      -             -
alias_dockerproviderconfig octoperf_dockerproviderconfig -      -             -
alias_error                octoperf_error                -      -             -
alias_hit                  octoperf_hit                  -      -             -
alias_http                 octoperf_http                 -      -             -
alias_httprequest          octoperf_httprequest          -      -             -
alias_httpresponse         octoperf_httpresponse         -      -             -
alias_httpserver           octoperf_httpserver           -      -             -
alias_monitor              octoperf_monitor              -      -             -
alias_monitorconnection    octoperf_monitorconnection    -      -             -
alias_numbercountervalue   octoperf_numbercountervalue   -      -             -
alias_project              octoperf_project              -      -             -
alias_scenario             octoperf_scenario             -      -             -
alias_slaprofile           octoperf_slaprofile           -      -             -
alias_softwareversion      octoperf_softwareversion      -      -             -
alias_staticip             octoperf_staticip             -      -             -
alias_textualcountervalue  octoperf_textualcountervalue  -      -             -
alias_thresholdalarm       octoperf_thresholdalarm       -      -             -
alias_user                 octoperf_user                 -      -             -
alias_variablewrapper      octoperf_variablewrapper      -      -             -
alias_virtualuser          octoperf_virtualuser          -      -             -
alias_webhook              octoperf_webhook              -      -             -
alias_workspace            octoperf_workspace            -      -             -
alias_workspacemember      octoperf_workspacemember      -      -             -

Each alias_X alias must point to the same octoperf_X indice. It's now time to create new indices and reindex them.

Configure OctoPerf to use Aliases

Once aliases for all indices are configured, you can configure OctoPerf EE to use it. In application.yml, define the elasticsearch.indices.prefix property:

    prefix: alias_

Restart OctoPerf EE to take changes into effect. The application should work seemlessly.

Create New Indices

To prepare for the future upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.x, all indices must be fully reindexed in Elasticsearch 6.8.x. Repeat the process below for each indice:

  • First, let's retrieve the indice mapping and settings:
GET octoperf_apm

  "octoperf_apm" : {
    "aliases" : {
      "alias_apm" : { }
    "mappings" : {
      "apm" : {
        "dynamic" : "false",
        "properties" : {
          "projectId" : {
            "type" : "keyword"
    "settings" : {
      "index" : {
        "number_of_shards" : "5",
        "number_of_replicas" : "1",

The mapping and settings must be kept as is to create the new indice in Elasticsearch 6.8.x.

  • Create a new indice name v68_X and pay attention to provide the same settings and mapping as original octoperf_X indice:
PUT v68_apm?include_type_name=true
  "mappings" : {
    "apm" : {
      "dynamic" : "false",
      "properties" : {
        "projectId" : {
          "type" : "keyword"
  "settings" : {
    "index" : {
      "number_of_shards" : "5",
      "number_of_replicas" : "1"

In this example, we create v68_apm in Elasticsearch 6.8.x. octoperf_apm is going to be reindexed to v68_apm (which means copying all the documents from the first one to the second one). Repeat this operation with each indice by carefully creating them with the proper mappings and settings.

If your indice mapping contains such mapping:

"_all" : {
  "enabled" : true

Make sure to remove the _all mapping attribute. Elasticsearch 7.x.x doesn't support it, it has been deprecated in 6.0.0.

Reindexing Indices

The next step is to reindex the data into the newly created indices. It's recommended to fully stop OctoPerf EE while reindexing all the data. Otherwise, you may loose data being written to the old indice because it's not being reindexed to the new indice.

Reindexing indices one by one

  • In Kibana, run the following command for each indice:
POST _reindex?slices=auto&wait_for_completion=false
  "source": {
    "index": "octoperf_X"
  "dest": {
    "index": "v68_X"

Replace octoperf_X by the indice name and its v68_X to its equivalent in the new version.

You can check the advancment of the reindexing task by running:

GET _tasks?detailed=false&actions=*reindex

Once all reindexing tasks are completed for one indice, you can proceed with the next indice.


This operation might take from several minutes to several hours per indice depending on the amount of data to reindex.

Redirect Aliases

The final step is to point aliases to the new indices which now contain all the reindexed data:

POST /_aliases
    "actions" : [
          "remove": {
            "index": "octoperf_X",
            "alias": "alias_X"
          "add": {
            "index": "v68_X",
            "alias": "alias_X"

Repeat this operation for each indice. Restart OctoPerf EE and make sure all the data is there (user login, analysis reports etc). Another good way to make sure all the data has been reindexed properly is to check indices size:

GET _cat/indices?v&

health status index                    uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green  open   v68_correlationframework gyamU2B2RkKCtZXFRfRbPg   1   2          0            0       783b           261b

Check docs.count by comparing octoperf_X and v68_X indices two-by-two. The number of documents should be absolutely the same.

You can now proceed to delete the old indices. At this point, if everything is fine, a backup and/or a database snapshot is strongly recommended: deleting indices manually is a dangerous task prone to errors.

Deleting old indices

Double-check all the data has been reindexed properly for each indice to a new indice named v68_X. Double-check aliases (starting with alias_) are pointing to the newly created v68_X indices. Make sure you have made proper backups before proceeding.

Then, for each indice starting with octoperf_ prefix, run the Kibana command:

DELETE octoperf_X

Replace octoperf_X by the real name of the indice (Example: octoperf_apm). This will delete the indice along with all the data it contains from the database. You can't keep old indices around because Elasticsearch 7.x.x only supports indices created in Elasticsearch 6.8.x.

Upgrade to OctoPerf EE 11.x.x

Make sure you have made proper backups before proceeding. You can now upgrade to OctoPerf EE 11.x.x which uses Elasticsearch 7.x.x:

  • Stop OctoPerf EE by running docker compose down from the directory where it has been launched,
  • Keep a backup of your existing docker-compose.yml in the case you customized it,
  • Replace docker-compose.yml by the latest,
  • Apply any custom settings again to docker-compose.yml
  • Start OctoPerf new version by running docker compose up -d.

The application should be up and running within a few minutes.

9.x to 10.x

As containers are now executed with a non-privileged user, data stored in default octoperf-data files ownership must be adjusted accordingly. (otherwise the data is not readable / writable)

How to fix file ownership:

  • Upgrade to 10.x first,
  • Start the Enterprise Edition via docker-compose,
  • List containers using docker ps, and get container id of enterprise-edition container,
  • Execute as root inside this container:
docker exec -it -u root CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
  • Then, chown all octoperf-data volume files to octoperf user:
chown -R octoperf:octoperf /data

The command ls -al should list all files with octoperf user and octoperf group.

root@CONTAINER_ID:~# ls -al
total 104228
drwxr-xr-x 1 octoperf octoperf      4096 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root     root          4096 ..
-rw------- 1 octoperf octoperf       221 .bash_history
drwxrwxr-x 2 octoperf octoperf      4096 config
drwxr-xr-x 4 octoperf octoperf      4096 data
-rw-r----- 1 octoperf octoperf 106689614 enterprise-edition.jar
-rwxr-x--- 1 octoperf octoperf       102
drwxr-xr-x 4 octoperf octoperf      4096 license

8.x.x to 9.x.x

As of 9.0.0 and above, Rancher is no longer required to run OctoPerf EE. Rancher was used to manage load generators. Now, load generators connect to OctoPerf EE server directly.

Hosts registered on Rancher must be registered again on OctoPerf EE using the command-line provided in Private Hosts > On-Premise section:

  • Upgrade to
  • Deactivate and remove hosts on Rancher UI,
  • Stop and remove Rancher Agent containers on each host,
  • Login on OctoPerf EE,
  • Go to Accounts, then select On-Premise,
  • Register again each host using the command-line provided.

8.3.x is the latest version which can be installed using our Rancher Catalog. 9.0.0 and above must be setup using docker-compose.

7.5.x to 8.x.x

Prior to upgrading from OctoPerf Enterprise-Edition 7.x.x to 8.x.x, a migration script must be run. The migration script can be DOWNLOADED HERE.

What does this script? It reindexes the 7.x.x elasticsearch indexes (analysis, design and monitoring) into smaller indexes compatible with Elasticsearch 6.x.x.

Indices created by Enterprise-Edition up to 7.x.x contain multiple types per indice. As of Elasticsearch 6, one index can only contain a single type of json documents. OctoPerf EE 8.0.x and above is based on Elasticsearch 6+. For this reason, a migration is required.

Which versions are supported?

The upgrade supports migrating Elasticsearch indices created by version 7.5.x. It upgrades the indexes to OctoPerf EE 8.0.x. Make sure to upgrade first to OctoPerf EE 7.5.x, before manually upgrading the database.

Elasticsearch Migration

How to migrate OctoPerf Enterprise-Edition from 7.x.x to 8.0.x

  • Download the migration script on the host running OctoPerf EE,
  • In Rancher UI, Make sure OctoPerf EE 7.5.x Elasticsearch service is running,
  • In Rancher UI, stop all other OctoPerf EE services like frontend and backend to prevent any user interaction while upgrading the database,
  • In a Shell Terminal, run the bash migration script on the same machine: ./v800/ This operation may take several minutes / hours depending on the amount of data to reindex,
  • The script should have created many indices with name starting with octoperf_,
  • In Rancher UI, upgrade Enterprise-Edition to 8.0.x. The OctoPerf EE server will apply additional data upgrades once started,
  • Login on OctoPerf EE and make sure all the previous projects, results are there and readable.


Make sure all your data is properly accessible through OctoPerf EE Web UI before deleting the old indices. Failing to do so may result in data loss.

On the migration is completed successfully, delete the old indices:

  • Analysis: curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/analysis,
  • Design: curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/design,
  • Monitoring: curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/monitoring.

The 3 commands above delete the legacy indices.