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OctoPerf Enterprise-Edition licensing system works with license files. The server is bundled with a default license which provides:

  • 50 concurrent virtual users,
  • 10 concurrent user profiles,
  • 1h max test duration.

Our licensing system requires no activation. A single license can be used on as many controllers as you want. Any license comes with:

  • unlimited number of tests,
  • unlimited number of load generators,
  • unlimited number of user accounts,
  • unlimited number of enterprise-edition servers.

Installing a License File

From the default folder

The OctoPerf EE Setup comes with a license folder, just place the license.l4j file inside it and restart the application.

From a custom folder

To install a license file from a custom folder, you need to map the enterprise-edition volume /home/root/license to the location on the local disk where the license.l4j file is saved.

Setup License Volume

  • Edit docker-compose.yml provided in OctoPerf EE Setup,
  • locate the line which maps the license volume, by default: - ./license:/home/ubuntu/license,
  • Put the license.l4j we provided on the host in a given folder. Example: /home/ubuntu/Downloads/license,
  • Set the volume mapping accordingly: - /home/ubuntu/Downloads/license:/home/ubuntu/license,
  • Restart the application.

The backend should restart and take into account the provided license file. See Data Storage Settings if you wish to customize data location settings.


Make sure that the file is readable for anyone, since otherwise the enterprise edition server might not be able to access it. You can do so this way:

chmod 644 license.l4j

Checking License Installation

To check if the license is installed properly, follow the procedure below:

License Check Procedure

  • Login on OctoPerf Enterprise-Edition with any account,
  • Click on Account > Subscriptions,
  • The license information are displayed here.

License Types

There are several type of license available for purchase:

  • Rental License: this license is only valid for a given period,
  • Perpetual License: this license is valid forever but upgrades are only valid for a given period. Once the maintenance period is over, you can still use your license with older versions of OctoPerf without any restriction.


I have properly mapped my license file, but the license information doesn't show up in the subscriptions panel.

First, make sure the volume mapping is configured correctly. Then, there may be several reasons why your license is not taken into account, please take contact with our Sales Team for more information.