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Load Test Execution

The Runtime page lists all your scenarios. It is available from the upper menu by clicking on RUNTIME or Scenarios:


Runtime scenarios list


For each runtime scenario, the list displays:

  • The name and description,
  • The creation and edition dates,
  • The number of simulated concurrent users,
  • The number of geographical locations,
  • The scenario duration.

Runtime Scenarios List Actions

Several actions are available when placing your mouse over an existing connection in the list:

Icon Action Description
Duplicate Scenario Lets you duplicate a scenario in one click. You can then edit the duplicated scenario.
Delete Scenario Lets you remove a scenario in one click. This operation cannot be reverted so proceed with caution.

Filter Scenarios


Click on the table or cards button on the upper right corner to switch the display of Runtime scenarios:

Runtime Cards

Runtime Tables

From the table view, you can filter the displayed scenarios using the table column header Filter fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Tags


By default the table is filtered by the current Project tags.


You can also click on the column headers to sort the scenarios. By default, they are sorted by ascending last modification date.

Create Scenario

To create a new runtime scenario, simply click on the Plus button. A default Scenario is created using one of your virtual users and your are redirected to the scenario page. You may then change the used VU as well as edit its name and description.