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Load Testing Projects

The projects page can be accessed any time by hovering on your project name in the upper menu:


From there you have access to the last 3 projects created , the list of all projects, private hosts and notifications related to this project.

Project list


For each Project, the list displays:

  • The name and description,
  • The creation and edition dates.

To open a project simply click on its name. Projects contain:

Projects list actions

Project card

Several actions are available when placing your mouse over an existing project in the list:

Icon Action Description
Move Project Moves this project to another workspace.
Edit Project Opens the edition panel to let you change the project name and description.
Delete Project Lets you remove a Project in one click. All the components (VU, Scenario, test reports, etc.) of the project are also removed. This operation cannot be reverted so proceed with caution.

Filter projects


Click on the table or cards button on the upper right corner to switch the display of Projects:

Projects Cards

Projects Tables

From the table view, you can filter the displayed Projects using the table column header Filter fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Tags


You can also click on the column headers to sort the Projects. By default, they are sorted by ascending last modification date.

Project Management

This section explains how to create, edit and delete projects.

Create a project


The following procedure explains how to create a project:

  1. Click on the big blue Plus button,
  2. The creation form appears on top of the projects list,
  3. Fill in your project name, description and tags,
  4. Click on Save.

A new project is created and you are redirected to the Design page.

Move a project

Move project

This option allows you to move your project into another workspace. This is useful when you need to merge your work with another team, or after someone left the organization to regroup everything under the same workspace. As the entire project is transfered, nothing is lost, design runtime and results will appear in the new workspace as they did in the old one.


If you transfer a project into a workspace that you do not own it may become unavailable to you. This is especially true when you do not have read or write permissions on the entire destination workspace.

Edit a project

Edit project

The project information (name, description) can be changed anytime. The following procedure explains how to change a project information:

  1. Go on the projects homepage,
  2. Place your mouse over the project you want to edit,
  3. Click on the Edit icon that appears,
  4. The edition form is displayed on the top of the projects list,
  5. Update the name, description and tags,
  6. Click on Save.


If you update a project tags for example from "v1" to "v2", all elements that are tagged with the old "v1" will not be visible by default. You would have to clear the table filters to see them.

Remove a project

Remove project

The following procedure explains how to remove a project and all of its content:

  1. Go on the projects homepage,
  2. Place your mouse over the project you want to remove,
  3. Click on the Delete button that appears next to the project name,
  4. Enter your project name as confirmation,
  5. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion.


Deleting a project deletes all the data it contains (virtual users, scenarios, monitored machines, test reports, etc.).


Tags are used to put labels such as version ("v1", "v2", etc.), environment ("dev", "prod", etc) or anything you may find useful on the project, and/or all its elements.

Tags can be used to add information that is quickly visible from all menus:


Tags configured at the project level however will have a very different impact.

First, the current project tags are automatically applied on newly created elements:

  • Virtual User,
  • Runtime Scenario,
  • Monitoring Connection,
  • and Test Report.

Also, lists of project elements are automatically filtered using the current tags:
