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Load Test Analysis

The Analysis page lists all your bench reports. It is available from the upper menu:


Reports list


For each test report, the list displays:

  • The name and description,
  • The creation and edition dates,
  • The type of report (Simple or Comparison).

For simple reports (reports that are associated with a single test result), it also displays:

  • The test result state (Running, Finished, etc.),
  • The number of report items,
  • The raised threshold alarms (this information is also visible by the color of the report tile).

For comparison reports (reports that compare several result), it also displays:

  • The number of results compared,
  • The number of report items.


The state of the bench reports is displayed (Test started, finished, cancelled, etc.) but it is not refreshed periodically. So if a test is running you may open it to know when it ends.

Reports List Actions

Several actions are available when placing your mouse over an existing connection in the list:

Icon Action Description
Duplicate Report Lets you duplicate a Report in one click. You can then edit the duplicated Report.
Delete Report Lets you remove a Report in one click. This operation cannot be reverted so proceed with caution.

Filter Bench Reports


Click on the table or cards button on the upper right corner to switch the display of reports:

Analysis Cards

Analysis Tables

From the table view, you can filter the displayed reports using the table column header Filter fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Tags


By default the table is filtered by the current Project tags.


You can also click on the column headers to sort the reports. By default, they are sorted by ascending last modification date.

Create Bench Report

Simple Report

To create a new simple bench report, you need to start a load test. This can be done by creating a scenario in the runtime page.

Comparison Report

Compare results

The following procedure explains how to create a comparison report:

  1. Click on the big Plus button under the trend report,
  2. Select from 2 to 4 bench results in the table that appears,
  3. Click on the Compare Results button.

A new comparison report is created and you are redirected to it. To know more about comparing results, please consult the report comparison page.

When at least two result exist a trending graph is displayed:


This graph shows basic information on the last 8 tests if possible.


The trend chart appears only after you have run two tests from beginning to end. It is not available while the second test is running.


You can click on a result in the trend chart to filter the list of reports.