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Service Level Agreement Profiles

The SLA Profiles page lets you configure, in one place, the Service Level Agreement of the application tested. In the Virtual User tree, you can then drop an SLA action under every HTTP Request and Container.

To open the SLA Profiles page, simply click on the Configuration > SLA Profiles button in the Virtual User page or from the upper menu:


SLA profiles list

Service Level Agreement

The left part of the page lists all the SLA Profiles for the current project. SLA Profiles are common to all the VUs of a project. You can use the headers of this list to filter or sort it.

The right part displays the selected profile configuration. It is only editable if a profile is selected.

Update SLA Profile

The following procedure explains how to change an SLA Profile configuration:

  1. Click on the profile to update in the servers list,
  2. Edit the input fields on the right (Name, metric and thresholds),
  3. Close the server panel by clicking on the Close button positioned at the top right corner.

For each profile, you can edit:

Property name Description
Name The name of the SLA Profile, used to identify it in the SLA Profile Action in the Virtual User tree.
Metrics The performance metrics (such as Response Times, Connect times, etc.) the profile applies on. You can use the to add new metrics and the to remove them.
Thresholds The list of thresholds applied to the metric. You can use the to add new thresholds and the to remove them.


An SLA Profile must have at least one metric. This metric must have at least one threshold.

Add SLA Profile

The following procedure explains how to add an SLA Profile configuration:

  1. Click on the Add button,
  2. A new SLA profile is added to the list and selected,
  3. Edit the input fields on the right (Name, metrics and thresholds),
  4. Close the threshold panel by clicking on the Close button positioned at the top right corner.

Remove an SLA Profile

The following procedure explains how to remove an SLA Profile:

  1. Click on the SLA profile to remove in the profiles list,
  2. Click on the Delete button.


You can use SHIFT + click or CTRL + click to select multiple profiles and delete them all at once.


If a profile is deleted, all associated SLA Profile Actions are also removed from their Virtual Users. As profiles are commons to all VUs of a project, profile removal and update may affect VUs that you are not currently editing.