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Line Chart Report Item

Line charts allow to draw statistics evolution over time.

Line Chart Report Item

Several metrics are available, please report to the Hit Metrics Availability and Monitoring Metrics Availability tables.

Edit a Curve

To customize a specific curve, please refer to the documentation page about the legend and metrics.

Export as PNG

To export the chart as a PNG image, please refer to the documentation page about exporting charts.

Insertion panel

When inserting a new Line Chart in your report, an insertion panel is displayed to help you quickly select metrics and apply filters to the whole chart.

This panel depends on the type of metric you want to insert: hit metrics or monitoring metrics.


You can mix hit and monitoring metrics in the same line chart simply by adding a new curve to an existing chart or by editing the curve of an existing chart.


Once the chart is inserted, you have to edit each curve one by one, so it may be quicker to insert a new chart and remove the old one if you want to apply filters on every metric/curve.

Hit Metrics Line Chart

Insert Hit Metrics Line Chart

The Metrics input lets you select which metrics are displayed (one curve for each metric).

The following filters are applied to every column of the table:

  • Location: Select the region to get statistics from this region only,
  • User profile: Select a specific user profile,
  • Type/Action: Show either global Container or Hit (Request) results or the results for a specific action or container.

Click on the Save button to apply the modifications or on the Close button to keep the original report item (it is still inserted but your modifications are not applied).

Monitoring Metrics Line Chart

Insert Monitoring Metrics Line Chart

The only difference with editing a monitoring metric curve is that you can select multiple counters at once in this panel.

Click on the Save button to apply the modifications or on the Close button to keep the original report item (it is still inserted but your modifications are not applied).