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Legends and Metrics

All report items except the text and summary have a legend:

Report Legend

This legend lets you add one or several metric(s) to their report item. The number of metrics allowed for each type of item can be configured in the Graphs configuration.

When you place your mouse over the legend, several buttons appear:

Icon Action Description
Edit Metric Opens the edition panel to let you edit the metric configuration.
Duplicate Metric Duplicates the metric and opens the edition panel so you can edit it.
Delete Metric Lets you remove a metric in one click. Available only if there are more than one metric for the current item.
Add Metric Create a new metric from scratch and opens the edition panel.


The Duplicate Metric and Add Metric buttons are hidden if you already added the maximum number of metrics allowed for the current report item.

Metric edition

There are two types of metrics: Hit metrics and Monitoring metrics.

You can switch from one type to the other by clicking on the Hit Metric / Monitoring Metric tabs.

Hit metrics

From response time to number of throughput, there are multiple types of hit metrics that all display performances of the HTTP request sent by your Virtual Users.

Depending on the report item, you can select various filters:

  • The geographical region or even the specific load generator used to send the requests,
  • The runtime user profile and virtual user associated to the request,
  • The type of action that sent the requests (HTTP actions or containers),
  • A specific action or container.

When adding or editing a metric, the following panel lets you select all these criteria:

Edit Hit Metric Modal.

Simply click on the Save button to update the metric. The filters are displayed in the legend:

Legend Filters


You first need to select a User Profile filter in order to select A specific action or container filter.

Also some metrics (like Received Bytes) are not available for containers. So you won't be able to select a specific container for these.

Monitoring metrics

By default monitoring metrics are available for each load generator machine used during the load test. You may have many other monitors available if you configured monitoring connections for the server infrastructure under test.

To edit a monitoring metric you simply have to select the monitoring connection and the counters:

Edit Monitoring Metric Modal

Click on Save to apply the modifications.

More information about the monitoring usage are available in the Threshold Usage page.


A particular hit metric, the APDEX, requires additional configuration: the Satisfying and Tolerating delays.

APDEX Metric Configuration

Like other hit metrics simply click on Save to apply the modifications. You can apply APDEX settings for all APDEX metrics of the current report in the configuration panel.