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Azure Devops


Azure DevOps is a Microsoft product that provides a variety of services to covers the entire application lifecycle, and enables DevOps capabilities.

OctoPerf seamlessly integrates with Azure Devops thanks to our Maven Plugin. As part of your software builds, you can run OctoPerf tasks like:

  • Run an existing scenario,
  • Import and run a JMeter JMX stored in your git repository,
  • Or even stop the build automatically whenever a threshold or SLA exceeds a certain criticity (Example: WARNING).



In order to setup Azure devops builds to run OctoPerf load tests, first you need:

Azure pipeline

The first step is to get a pipeline ready in Azure Devops. A complete guide can be found in their documentation.

Basically you need to create a pipeline and construct an azure-pipelines.yml file, in our case we will use something like this:

- task: Maven@3
    mavenPomFile: 'pom.xml'
    mavenOptions: '-Xmx512m'
    javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion'
    jdkVersionOption: '1.11'
    jdkArchitectureOption: 'x64'
    publishJUnitResults: false
    goals: 'octoperf:execute-scenario'

OctoPerf Maven plugin

You can find the OctoPerf Maven plugin configuration on its documentation page.

To summarize, you need to provide a pom.xml file and adapt the following section:

The API_KEY is available on your profile page. The other values are the textual names of each element inside OctoPerf.


Before launch it should look like this inside your Azure pipeline:


And when you execute it:


Congratulations! You've just triggered a load test on OctoPerf using Azure Devops and OctoPerf's Maven Plugin.

GitLab Build Running On OctoPerf

The analysis report is visible in OctoPerf too. For further information, see our OctoPerf Maven Plugin documentation.