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The notification page displays the list of notification configurations. It is accessible from the upper menu:


Notifications can be used along with scheduled tests to be notified about test statuses.

Notifications List

Notifications List

For each notification, the list displays:

  • The type,
  • The notification description,
  • The event ids.

There are 4 types of notification available:

  • Email,
  • Slack,
  • Microsoft Teams,
  • Http WebHook.

Event IDs

The event IDs define what events are sent for each configuration:

EventId Description
Test started The test has been launched. Note that this event only logs that a test has been queued for startup, not that is successfully started.
Test ended The test has stopped. There can be a number of reasons for a test to stop, check our dedicated Test status page for more info.
Test error The test was unable to launch, usually because an on premise load generator is down. Check the test logs for more info.
Test passed The test has finished with no critical alert.
Test failed The test has finished but one of the following happened:
- A monitoring alert,
- An SLA triggered,
- In Enterprise Edition platforms only, the error rate was higher than octoperf.notifications.max-percent-errors.

Add or Edit a Notification

Click on a notification in the list to edit it. Click on the Add notification at the bottom of the list to add a new notification.

Add Notification

The following procedure explains how to add/edit a notification:

  1. Select the type of notification,
  2. Select the event IDs,
  3. Type in the information specific to the selected type of notification (email, slack credentials, HTTP URL and headers),
  4. (Optional) Select the filters on concurrent users and test duration,
  5. Click on Save.


You will need to configure an incoming webhook in slack. The procedure can be found in their documentation.

For this example we will be assuming that slack:

  • Gave you this URL during the webhook creation,
  • The user that created the webhook is named Demo,
  • Has an #octoperf channel and Demo can post into it.

In OctoPerf it would look like this:

Slack integration

Microsoft Teams

You need to configure an incoming webhook in Microsoft Teams. The procedure can be found in their documentation.