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The Design Page

The Design page lets you list and create Virtual Users. It is the landing page of each project, but also accessible through a click on the upper design menu or on Virtual Users in the same menu:


Virtual users

A Virtual User (shortened VU) represents a user journey through your application. It lets you simulate a real user behavior.


For each VU, the list displays:

  • The name and description,
  • The creation and edition dates,
  • The number of containers,
  • The number of actions,
  • The type of VU (JMeter or WebDriver).

Virtual Users list actions

Edit VU

Several actions are available when placing your mouse over an existing Virtual User in the list:

Icon Action Description
Duplicate VU Lets you duplicate a VU in one click. You can then edit the duplicated VU.
Copy VU to another project Allows you to copy this VU to another project. The copy includes all recorded requests/responses and associated files.
Delete VU Lets you remove a VU in one click. This operation cannot be reverted so proceed with caution.

Filter Virtual Users


Click on the table or cards button on the upper right corner to switch the display of Virtual users:

Design Cards

Design Tables

From the table view, you can filter the displayed VUs using the table column header Filter fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Tags


By default the table is filtered by the current Project tags.


You can also click on the column headers to sort the VUs. By default, they are sorted by ascending last modification date.

Create a VU

Create VU

To create a new virtual user simply click on the big blue Plus button to display the creation form.

Then there are several methods to create a virtual user:

Website or REST API

Browser record

JMeter project

Postman collection


  • Fragments VU are a special kind of virtual user that cannot be executed. Their actions are meant to be shared using Link Actions.


We strongly recommend to record your web application using Fiddler or FireFox as they also record response contents.

HAR Format

HAR is an abbreviation for Http Archive:

The HTTP Archive format or HAR, is a JSON-formatted archival format for logging of a web browsers interaction with a site. The common extension for these files is .har.

Several browser like Chrome or Firefox supports recording HTTP traffic as HAR natively. Most 3rd party capture proxies like Fiddler or Charles proxy also allow you to generate HAR files.

Copy VU to another project

This action allows you to create an exact copy of your virtual user in another project.


The transfer is completed once you click on the project name in the list of projects.

Because a virtual user can be related to some Files, conflicts with the remote project may happen. For example when a required file already exists in the target project. These conflicts can be handled through the copy options:


Action Description
Required We will try to assess which files are required for this VU to properly function. Note that files referenced in script actions or other dependencies may be difficult to locate.
All In case the Required option did not copy the files you expected, it is possible to ask for a complete copy of all files.
Skip This option will handle conflicts with identical file names in the target project by skipping the copy.
Overwrite This option will handle conflicts with identical file names in the target project by overwriting the destination files.


The default settings are made to be less intrusive since we will only try to copy required file with no overwrite in the remote project. Be careful because other options can lead to breaking changes in the remote project.

Remove a VU

Remove VU

The following procedure explains how to remove a virtual user and all of its content:

  1. Go on the design page,
  2. Place your mouse over the VU you want to remove,
  3. Click on the Delete button that appears next to the VU name,
  4. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion.


Deleting a VU deletes all the data it contains. Proceed with caution.