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The device settings allow to mimic the behavior of a real browser:

User Profile Device

User agent

Select the user agent header to simulate. Modern applications may not look at the user agent anymore but you can still use the Customized option to send a specific value for other purposes:

User agent


Allows you to configure the cookie manager of this user profile:

Cookie policy

  • Cookie policy: Select Standard for automatic cookie extraction and replacement or Ignore to deactivate automatic cookie management,
  • Clear Cookies on each iteration: cleans the cookies each time a virtual user instance runs a new iteration.


Several policies are actually identical when JMeter executes the test, typically Best Match and Compatibility will have the same effect. The same is true for the Default policy that also exists in JMeter, we decided not to add it to OctoPerf for that reason.

Download resources

This parameter allows you to override the Download resources option of all your HTTP actions. The possibilities are:

Download resources

  • As specified in the VU: Default option, uses the configuration of each HTTP action as defined on the design screen,
  • Always false: Disables the Download resources option for all requests,
  • Always true: Forcibly enables the Download resources option for all requests.


Allows you to configure the cache manager of this user profile:

  • Cache size: defines the maximum number of elements the emulated cache should hold,
  • Clear cache on each iteration: like cookies, clear cache when starting a new iteration,
  • Use HTTP cache control headers: If activated, multiple similar HTTP GET may not be sent, in accordance to the cache control headers provided by the application.

Cache control error


If you do not want any cache headers to be sent, you can deactivate the cache manager entirely using the check box on the right: user-profile-cache

Connection keep-alive

This option allows you to change the default behavior of TCP keep alive in OctoPerf:


  • Auto means the TCP connection is kept alive until the end of the iteration,
  • Off means no Keep alive,
  • On means keep the TCP connection alive until the test ends.



Defines the network simulation in terms of the upload and download bandwidth. Network simulation allows to simulate similar connection conditions as a real user would experience.


The bandwidth setting apply to each virtual user instance.