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Microsoft IIS

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Internet Information Services (IIS) for Windows Server is a flexible, secure and manageable Web server for hosting anything on the Web. IIS is monitored thanks to our Metrics-Agent. The initial setup is exactly the same as for Windows monitoring.

Supported Versions

Microsoft IIS version 6 or newer are supported.


You need to setup a Metrics Agent on the Windows machine where SQL Server is installed. Please follow Windows Pre-requisites and Setup instructions.


IIS Configuration Wizard

The IIS monitor configuration is exactly the same as Windows. Provide the information to connect to the metrics agent which exposes the metrics through JMX on port 1099 by default.


IIS Applications

The IIS monitor supports monitoring specific Web Service as well as ASP.NET applications.

Monitored Counters

IIS Counters

The following IIS Perfmon counters are available:


  • Debugging:

    • ASP Debugging Requests: The number of requests for debugging documents that have been made since the WWW service started,

    • Errors During Script Runtime: The number of requests that failed because run-time errors occurred,

    • Errors From ASP Preprocessor: The number of requests that failed because preprocessor errors occurred,

    • Errors From Script Compilers: The number of requests that failed because script compilation errors occurred,

    • Errors/sec: The average number of errors that occurred per second.

  • dotNET:

    • Application Restarts: The number of times that an application has been restarted since the Web service started. Application restarts are incremented with each Application_OnEnd event. An application restart can occur because changes were made to the Web.config file or to assemblies stored in the application's Bin directory, or because too many changes occurred in Web Forms pages. Sudden increases in this counter can mean that your Web application is shutting down. If an unexpected increase occurs, be sure to investigate it promptly. This value resets every time IIS is restarted,

    • Applications Running: The number of applications that are running on the server computer,

    • Requests Disconnected: The number of requests that were disconnected because a communication failure occurred,

    • Requests Queued: The number of requests in the queue waiting to be serviced. If this number increases as the number of client requests increases, the Web server has reached the limit of concurrent requests that it can process. The default maximum for this counter is 5,000 requests. You can change this setting in the computer's Machine.config file,

    • Requests Rejected: The total number of requests that were not executed because insufficient server resources existed to process them. This counter represents the number of requests that return a 503 HTTP status code, which indicates that the server is too busy,

    • Request Wait Time: The number of milliseconds that the most recent request waited in the queue for processing,

    • State Server Sessions Abandoned: The number of user sessions that were explicitly abandoned. These are sessions that have been ended by specific user actions, such as closing the browser or navigating to another site,

    • State Server Sessions Active: The number of active user sessions,

    • State Server Sessions Timed Out: The number of user sessions that are now inactive. In this case, the user is inactive, not the server,

    • State Server Sessions Total: The number of sessions created during the lifetime of the process. This counter represents the cumulative value of State Server Sessions Active, State Server Sessions Abandoned, and State Server Sessions Timed Out counters,

    • Worker Process Restarts: The number of times that a worker process restarted on the server computer. A worker process can be restarted if it fails unexpectedly or when it is intentionally recycled. If worker process restarts increase unexpectedly, investigate immediately,

    • Worker Processes Running: The number of worker processes that are running on the server computer,

  • Miscellaneous:

    • Script Engines Cached: The number of script engines in the cache,

    • Script Engine Cache Hit Rate: The percentage of requests that were found in the script engine cache,

    • Engine Flush Notifications: The number of engines invalidated in the cache because change notification occurred,

    • Session Duration: The length of time that the most recent session lasted, in milliseconds,

    • Sessions Current: The number of sessions currently being serviced,

    • Sessions Timed Out: The number of sessions that have timed out,

    • Sessions Total: The number of sessions that have run since the service was started,

    • Templates Cached: The number of templates that are currently cached,

    • Template Cache Hit Rate: The percentage of requests that have been found in the template cache,

    • Template Notifications: The number of templates that have been invalidated in the cache because change notification occurred,

    • In Memory Templates Cached: The number of compiled templates that are cached in memory,

    • In Memory Template Cache Hit Rate: The percentage of requests that have been found in the memory cache,

    • Transactions Aborted: The number of transactions that have been aborted,

    • Transactions Committed: The number of transactions that have been committed. This counter increments after page execution if the transaction does not abort,

    • Transactions Pending: The number of transactions that are in progress,

    • Transactions Total: The number of transactions that have occurred since the service was started,

    • Transactions/sec: The average number of transactions that have been started, per second,

  • Request:

    • Request Bytes In Total: The total size, in bytes, of all requests,

    • Request Bytes Out Total: The total size, in bytes, of responses sent to clients. This total does not include standard HTTP response headers,

    • Request Execution Time: The number of milliseconds that it took to execute the most recent request,

    • Request Wait Time: The number of milliseconds that the most recent request waited in the queue,

    • Requests Disconnected: The number of requests that were disconnected because communication failed,

    • Requests Executing: The number of requests that are currently executing,

    • Requests Failed Total: The number of requests that failed due to errors, authorization failure, and rejections,

    • Requests Not Authorized: The number of requests that failed because access rights were insufficient,

    • Requests Not Found: The number of requests that were made for files that were not found,

    • Requests Queued: The number of requests that are waiting in the queue for service,

    • Requests Rejected: The number of requests that were not executed because there were insufficient resources to process them,

    • Requests Succeeded: The number of requests that executed successfully,

    • Requests Timed Out: The number of requests that timed out,

    • Requests Total: The number of requests that have been made since the service was started,

    • Requests/sec: The average number of requests that were executed per second.


  • Per .NET Application:

    • Anonymous Requests: The number of requests that use anonymous authentication,

    • Anonymous Requests/sec: The average number of requests that have been made per second that use anonymous authentication,

    • Cache Total Entries: The total number of entries in the cache. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by the ASP.NET framework and external use of the cache through exposed APIs,

    • Cache Total Hits: The total number of responses served from the cache. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by the ASP.NET framework and external use of the cache through exposed APIs,

    • Cache Total Misses: The number of failed cache requests. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by ASP.NET and external use of the cache through exposed APIs,

    • Cache Total Hit Ratio: The ratio of cache hits to cache misses. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by ASP.NET and external use of the cache through exposed APIs,

    • Cache Total Turnover Rate: The number of additions to and removals from the cache per second. Use this counter to help determine how efficiently the cache is being used. If the turnover rate is high, the cache is not being used efficiently,

    • Cache API Entries: The total number of entries in the application cache,

    • Cache API Hits: The total number of requests served from the cache when it was accessed only through the external cache APIs. This counter does not track use of the cache internally by ASP.NET,

    • Cache API Misses: The total number of requests to the cache that failed when the cache was accessed through the external cache APIs. This counter does not track use of the cache internally by ASP.NET,

    • Cache API Hit Ratio: The cache hit-to-miss ratio when the cache was accessed through external cache APIs. This counter does not track use of the cache internally by ASP.NET,

    • Cache API Turnover Rate: The number of additions to and removals from the cache per second, when it is used through the external APIs (excluding internal use by the ASP.NET framework. This counter is useful for determining how effectively the cache is being used. If the turnover is great, then the cache is not being used effectively,

    • Errors During Preprocessing: The number of errors that occurred during parsing. Excludes compilation and run-time errors,

    • Errors During Compilation: The number of errors that occurred during dynamic compilation. Excludes parser and run-time errors,

    • Errors During Execution: The total number of errors that occurred during the execution of an HTTP request. Excludes parser and compilation errors,

    • Errors Unhandled During Execution: The total number of unhandled errors that occurred during the execution of HTTP requests. An unhandled error is any uncaught run-time exception that escapes user code on the page and enters the ASP.NET internal error-handling logic,

    • Errors Unhandled During Execution/sec: The number of unhandled exceptions that occurred per second during the execution of HTTP requests,

    • Errors Total: The total number of errors that occurred during the execution of HTTP requests. Includes parser, compilation, or run-time errors. This counter represents the sum of the Errors During Compilation, Errors During Preprocessing, and Errors During Execution counters. A well-functioning Web server should not generate errors,

    • Errors Total/sec: The average number of errors that occurred per second during the execution of HTTP requests. Includes any parser, compilation, or run-time errors,

    • Output Cache Entries: The total number of entries in the output cache,

    • Output Cache Hits: The total number of requests serviced from the output cache,

    • Output Cache Misses: The number of output-cache requests that failed per application,

    • Output Cache Hit Ratio: The percentage of total requests that were serviced from the output cache,

    • Output Cache Turnover Rate: The average number of additions to and removals from the output cache per second. If the turnover is great, the cache is not being used effectively,

    • Request Bytes In Total: The total size, in bytes, of all requests,

    • Request Bytes Out Total: The total size, in bytes, of responses sent to a client. This does not include standard HTTP response headers,

    • Requests Executing: The number of requests that are currently executing,

    • Requests Failed: The total number of failed requests. All status codes greater than or equal to 400 increment this counter. Note: Requests that cause a 401 status code increment this counter and the Requests Not Authorized counter. Requests that cause a 404 or 414 status code increment this counter and the Requests Not Found counter. Requests that cause a 500 status code increment this counter and the Requests Timed Out counter,

    • Requests In Application Queue: The number of requests in the application request queue,

    • Requests Not Found: The number of requests that failed because resources were not found (status code 404, 414,

    • Requests Not Authorized: The number of requests that failed because of lack of authorization (status code 401,

    • Requests Succeeded: The number of requests that executed successfully (status code 200,

    • Requests Timed Out: The number of requests that timed out (status code 500,

    • Requests Total: The total number of requests that have been made since the service started,

    • Requests/sec: The average number of requests that have been executed per second. This counter represents the current throughput of the application,

    • Session State Server Connections Total: The total number of session-state connections that were made to a computer on which out-of-process session-state data is stored,

    • Session SQL Server Connections Total: The total number of session-state connections that were made to the Microsoft SQL Server database in which session-state data is stored,

    • Sessions Active: The number of sessions that are active,

    • Sessions Abandoned: The number of sessions that have been explicitly abandoned,

    • Sessions Timed Out: The number of sessions that timed out,

    • Sessions Total: The total number of sessions,

    • Transactions Aborted: The number of transactions that were aborted,

    • Transactions Committed: The number of transactions that were committed. This counter increments after page execution if the transaction does not abort,

    • Transactions Pending: The number of transactions that are in progress,

    • Transactions Total: The total number of transactions that have occurred since the service was started,

    • Transactions/sec: The average number of transactions that were started per second,

    • Compilations Total: The total number of times that the Web server process dynamically compiled requests for files with .aspx, .asmx, .ascx, or .ashx extensions (or a code-behind source file. Note: This number initially climbs to a peak value as requests are made to all parts of an application. After compilation occurs, however, the resulting binary compilation is saved on disk, where it is reused until its source file changes. This means that, even when a process restarts, the counter can remain at zero (be inactive until the application is modified or redeployed,

    • Debugging Requests: The number of requests that occurred while debugging was enabled,

    • Pipeline Instance Count: The number of active request pipeline instances for the specified ASP.NET application. Because only one execution thread can run within a pipeline instance, this number represents the maximum number of concurrent requests that are being processed for a specific application. In most circumstances, it is better for this number be low when the server is busy, because this means that the CPU is well used.

Web Service Cache:

  • File:

    • Active Flushed Entries: The number of user-mode cache entries that have been flushedthough memory is still allocated for these entries. The allocated memory will be released after all current transfers complete,

    • Current File Cache Memory Usage: The number of bytes currently used for the user-mode file cache,

    • Current Files Cached: The number of files whose content is currently in the user-mode cache,

    • Total Files Cached: The number of files whose content has been added to the user-mode cache since the WWW service started,

    • File Cache Hits: The number of successful lookups in the user-mode file cache that have occurred since the WWW service started,

    • File Cache Hits %: The ratio of user-mode file cache hits to total cache requests that have been made since the WWW service started up,

    • File Cache Misses: The number of unsuccessful lookups in the user-mode file cache that have been made since the WWW service started,

    • File Cache Flushes: The number of files that have been removed from the user-mode cache since the WWW service started,

    • Maximum File Cache Memory Usage: The maximum number of bytes that have been used for the user-mode file cache since the WWW service started,

    • Total Flushed Files: The number of file handles that have been removed from the user-mode cache since the WWW service started,

  • Metadata:

    • Current Metadata Cached: The number of Metadata information blocks that are currently stored in the user-mode cache,

    • Total Metadata Cached: The number of Metadata information blocks that have been added to the user-mode cache since the WWW service started,

    • Metadata Cache Hits: The number of successful lookups that have been made in the user-mode Metadata cache since the WWW service started,

    • Metadata Cache Misses: The number of unsuccessful lookups that have been made in the user-mode Metadata cache since the WWW service started,

    • Metadata Cache Hits %: The ratio of Metadata Cache Hits to total cache requests that have occurred since the WWW service started,

    • Metadata Cache Flushes: The total number of Metadata cache flushes that have occurred since the WWW service started,

    • Total Flushed Metadata: The number of Metadata information blocks that have been removed from the user-mode cache since the WWW service started,

  • URI:

    • Current URIs Cached: The number of URI information blocks that are currently stored in the user-mode cache,

    • Total URIs Cached: The number of URI information blocks that have been added to the user-mode cache since the WWW service started,

    • URI Cache Hits: The number of successful lookups that have been made in the user-mode URI cache since the WWW service started,

    • URI Cache Misses: The number of unsuccessful lookups that have been made in the user-mode URI cache since the WWW service started,

    • URI Cache Hits %: The ratio of URI Cache Hits to total cache requests that have occurred since the WWW service started,

    • URI Cache Flushes: The total number of URI cache flushes that have occurred since the WWW service started,

    • Total Flushed URIs: The number of URI information blocks that have been removed from the user-mode cache since the WWW service started,


  • Connection:

    • Current Connections: The current number of connections that have been established with the FTP service,

    • Maximum Connections: The maximum number of simultaneous connections that have been established with the FTP service,

    • Total Connection Attempts (all instances: The number of connections that have been attempted by using the FTP service since the service started. This counter applies to all instances listed,

    • Total Logon Attempts: The number of logons that have been attempted by using the FTP service since the service started,

    • FTP Service Uptime: The amount of time, in seconds, that the FTP service has been running,

  • Input / Output:

    • Bytes Sent/sec: The rate at which data bytes are being sent by the FTP service,

    • Bytes Received/sec: The rate at which data bytes are being received by the FTP service,

    • Bytes Total/sec: The sum of Bytes Sent/sec and Bytes Received/sec,

    • Total Files Sent: The total number of files that have been sent by the FTP service since the service started,

    • Total Files Received: The total number of files that have been received by the FTP service since the service started,

    • Total Files Transferred: The sum of Total Files Sent and Total Files Received. This is the total number of files transferred by the FTP service since the service started,

  • User:

    • Maximum NonAnonymous Users: The maximum number of users who have established concurrent nonanonymous connections using the FTP service since the service started,

    • Maximum Anonymous Users: The maximum number of users who have established concurrent anonymous connections using the FTP service since the service started,

    • Total NonAnonymous Users: The number of users who have established nonanonymous connections with the FTP service since the service started,

    • Total Anonymous Users: The number of users who have established an anonymous connection with the FTP service since the service started,

    • Current NonAnonymous Users: The number of users who currently have a nonanonymous connection that was made by using the FTP service,

    • Current Anonymous Users: The number of users who currently have an anonymous connection that was made by using the FTP service,

Global Cache:

  • Blob:

    • Current BLOBs Cached: The number of cached file handles that will close when all current transfers are complete,

    • Total BLOBs Cached: The number of BLOB information blocks that have been added to the cache,

    • BLOB Cache Hits: The number of successful lookups in the BLOB cache,

    • BLOB Cache Misses: The number of unsuccessful lookups in the BLOB cache,

    • BLOB Cache Flushes: The number of BLOB cache flushes that have occurred since the service started,

    • BLOB Cache Hits %: The ratio of BLOB Cache Hits to the total number of cache requests,

    • Total Flushed BLOBs: The number of BLOB information blocks that have been removed from the cache since the service started,

  • File:

    • Current Files Cached: The number of files whose content is currently in the cache,

    • Total Files Cached: The number of files whose content has been added to the cache since the service started,

    • File Cache Hits: The number of successful lookups in the file cache,

    • File Cache Misses: The number of unsuccessful lookups in the file cache,

    • File Cache Hits %: The ratio of File Cache Hits to the total number of cache requests,

    • File Cache Flushes: The number of file cache flushes that have occurred since the service started,

    • Current File Cache Memory Usage: The current number of bytes used for the file cache,

    • Maximum File Cache Memory Usage: The maximum number of bytes used for the file cache,

  • URI:

    • Active Flushed Entries: The number of cached file handles that will close when all current transfers are complete,

    • Total Flushed Files: The number of file handles that have been removed from the cache since the service started,

    • Current URIs Cached: The number of URI information blocks that are currently in the cache,

    • Total URIs Cached: The number of URI information blocks that have been added to the cache,

    • URI Cache Hits: The number of successful lookups in the URI cache,

    • URI Cache Misses: The number of unsuccessful lookups in the URI cache,

    • URI Cache Hits %: The ratio of URI Cache Hits to the total number of cache requests,

    • URI Cache Flushes: The number of URI cache flushes that have occurred since the server started,

    • Total Flushed URIs: The number of URI information blocks that have been removed from the cache since the service started,


  • Current URIs Cached: The number of URI information blocks currently cached by the kernel,

  • Total URIs Cached: The number of URI information blocks that have been added to the kernel URI cache since the WWW service started,

  • URI Cache Hits: The number of successful lookups in the kernel URI cache that have occurred since the WWW service started,

  • URI Cache Hits%: The ratio of Kernel: URI Cache Hits to total cache requests since the WWW service started,

  • URI Cache Hits/sec: The average number of kernel URI cache hits that are being made per second,

  • URI Cache Misses: The number of unsuccessful lookups in the kernel URI cache that have occurred since the WWW service started,

  • URI Cache Flushes: The number of kernel URI cache flushes that have occurred since the WWW service started,

  • Total Flushed URIs: The number of URI information blocks that have been removed from the kernel cache since the WWW service started,

Web Service (Per IIS Website):

  • Byte:

    • Total Bytes Sent: The number of data bytes that have been sent by the WWW service since the service started,

    • Bytes Sent/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been sent by the WWW service,

    • Total Bytes Received: The total bytes of data that have been received by the WWW service since the service started,

    • Bytes Received/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been received by the WWW service,

    • Total Bytes Transferred: The total number of bytes of data that have been sent and received by the WWW service since the service started,

    • Bytes Transferred/sec: The sum of Bytes Sent/sec and Bytes Received/sec,

  • CGI:

    • Current CGI Requests: The number of CGI requests that are being processed simultaneously by the WWW service,

    • Total CGI Requests: The number of all CGI requests that have been made since the WWW service started,

    • CGI Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which CGI requests are being processed simultaneously by the WWW service,

    • Maximum CGI Requests: The maximum number of CGI requests that have been processed simultaneously by the WWW service since the service started,

    • Current ISAPI Extension Requests: The number of ISAPI extension requests that are being processed simultaneously by the WWW service,

    • Total ISAPI Extension Requests: The number of ISAPI extension requests that have been made since the WWW service started,

    • ISAPI Extension Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which ISAPI extension requests are being processed by the WWW service,

    • Maximum ISAPI Extension Requests: The maximum number of ISAPI extension requests that were processed simultaneously by the WWW service,

  • Connection:

    • Current Connections: The number of active connections to the WWW service,

    • Maximum Connections: The maximum number of simultaneous connections made to the WWW service since the service started,

    • Total Connection Attempts: The number of connections to the WWW service that have been attempted since the service started,

    • Connection Attempts/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which connections to the WWW service have been attempted since the service started,

    • Total Logon Attempts: The number of attempts to log on to the WWW service that have occurred since the service started,

    • Logon Attempts/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which attempts to log on to the WWW service have occurred,

  • Error:

    • Total Not Found Errors: The number of requests that have been made since the service started that were not satisfied by the server because the requested document was not found. Usually reported as HTTP error 404,

    • Not Found Errors/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which requests were not satisfied by the server because the requested document was not found,

    • Total Locked Errors: The number of requests that have been made since the service started that could not be satisfied by the server because the requested document was locked. Usually reported as HTTP error 423,

    • Locked Errors/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which requests were not satisfied because the requested document was locked,

  • File:

    • Total Files Sent: The number of user-mode files that have been sent by the WWW service since the service started. This counter does not include cache hits. Note that this counter does not increment when files are being served from the kernel-mode cache,

    • Files Sent/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which files have been sent,

    • Files Sent/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which files have been sent,

    • Files Received/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which files have been received by the WWW service,

    • Total Files Transferred: The sum of Total Files Sent and Total Files Received by the WWW service since the service started. Note that this counter does not increment when files are being served from the kernel-mode cache,

    • Files/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which files have been sent and received by the WWW service,

  • Misc:

    • Service Uptime: The uptime for the WWW service or a Web site,
  • Request:

    • Total Options Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the OPTIONS method since the WWW service started,

    • Options Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the OPTIONS method have been made,

    • Total Get Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the GET method since the WWW service started,

    • Get Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the GET method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Post Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the POST method since the WWW service started,

    • Post Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which requests that use the POST method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Head Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the HEAD method since the WWW service started,

    • Head Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the HEAD method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Put Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the PUT method since the WWW service started,

    • Put Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the PUT method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Delete Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the DELETE method since the WWW service started,

    • Delete Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the DELETE method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Trace Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the TRACE method since the WWW service started,

    • Trace Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the TRACE method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Move Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the MOVE method since the WWW service started,

    • Move Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the MOVE method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Copy Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the COPY method since the WWW service started,

    • Copy Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the COPY method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Mkcol Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the MKCOL method since the WWW service started,

    • Mkcol Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the MKCOL method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Propfind Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the PROPFIND method since the WWW service started,

    • Propfind Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the PROPFIND method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Proppatch Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the PROPPATCH method since the WWW service started,

    • Proppatch Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the PROPPATCH method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Search Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the SEARCH method since the WWW service started,

    • Search Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the SEARCH method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Lock Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the LOCK method since the WWW service started,

    • Lock Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the LOCK method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Unlock Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have used the UNLOCK method since the WWW service started,

    • Unlock Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that use the UNLOCK method have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Other Request Methods: The number of HTTP requests that did not use the OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, MOVE, COPY, MKCOL, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, SEARCH, LOCK, or UNLOCK methods since the WWW service started. Can include LINK or other methods supported by gateway applications,

    • Other Request Methods/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which HTTP requests that do not use the methods listed for the Total Other Requests Methods counter have been made to the WWW service,

    • Total Method Requests: The number of HTTP requests that have been made since the WWW service started,

    • Total Method Requests/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which all HTTP requests have been received,

  • User:

    • Current Anonymous Users: The number of users who currently have an anonymous request pending with the WWW service. In IIS 6.0, Current Users (Anonymous or NonAnonymous is the number of requests currently being worked on by the server,

    • Current NonAnonymous Users: The number of users who currently have a nonanonymous request pending with the WWW service. In IIS 6.0, Current Users (Anonymous or NonAnonymous is the number of requests currently being worked on by the server,

    • Total Anonymous Users: The number of users who have established an anonymous request since the WWW service started. This counter does not increment when files are being served from the kernel cache,

    • Anonymous Users/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which users have made anonymous requests to the WWW service,

    • Total NonAnonymous Users: The number of users who have made nonanonymous requests to the WWW service since the service started,

    • NonAnonymous Users/sec: The rate, in seconds, at which users have made nonanonymous requests to the WWW service,

    • Maximum NonAnonymous Users: The maximum number of users who have made concurrent nonanonymous requests to the WWW service since the service started.